Spiritual Reiki Healing
Certified Reiki Master
Service Description
Your sacred Reiki session begins with breath work, an anointing of sacred oils, cleansing of the space with the incense of sage and San Paulo, and includes an invitation for universal source energy and your spiritual team to join, guide and assist in the healing process. Reiki blessings are enhanced through the use of high-vibrational crystals and frequency healing modalities – allowing you to be balanced, aligned and energetically reset for your highest good. Sessions include 30 minutes for private shopping my full line of oracle decks, local artists, books, crystals, jewelry and spiritual tools. Product prices range from $1 to $500. Everything leaves our shop gift wrapped, anointed with rose or frankincense oil – and is blessed to support your specific intention.
Please call or text your cancellation 24 hours in advance
Please leave 24 hours in advance for cancelations, otherwise there will be a $50 cancellation fee.
Contact Details
10942 South Lostwood Drive, Sandy, Utah, USA